
Haldwani 10 June (Information). Samples of Kovid-19 from the districts of Kumaon region will be tested at IVRI Mukteshwar .

Publish Date : 15/06/2020

District Magistrate Mr. Savin Bansal has instructed the center in-charge IVRI Mukteshwar that samples of Kovid-19 from the districts of Kumaon region will be tested at IVRI.For this, Principal Sushila Tiwari, in coordination with Medical College Haldwani, should ensure action to purchase desired medical equipment, testing kits and materials at the same rates as required by selected, identified institution, vendors for providing testing kits and other materials in the past. And after verification of bill purchased Boucher for the purchased material, send it to the District Magistrate Office.Shri Bansal also instructed that tanking kits and other materials should be purchased soon so that samples of Kovid 19 can be started to be tested soon.