Sector magistrate deployed for disaster relief and relief work

District Magistrate / Chairman, District Disaster Management, Mr. Savin Bansal, using the powers / powers vested in the Disaster Management Act 2005, effectively deputed the Sector Magistrate for effective prevention of Corona virus infection, prevention of declared disaster and execution of relief work.Sector magistrates engaged have been given powers vested in the district magistrates under the Pandemic Diseases Act 1987 during this period.He said that each sector magistrate will be responsible for coordinating with the officials concerned with maintaining legal peace system in their sector or center.
District Magistrate / Chairman, District Disaster Management Mr. Bansal has appointed Assistant Engineer Drinking Water Mamta Tiwari, PED Anand Negi, Sishai Naveen Chandra Pandey as Sector Magistrate of Staging Area Sports Stadium.Similarly, Assistant Engineer Cichai Amit Bansal, Manoj Gupta, Loniv BC Semwal, Sector Magistrate of Salter House Sports Stadium, Assistant Engineer Minor Sichai RB Yadav, Loniv SS Rawat and Pankaj Rai, Sector Magistrate of Salter House MB Inter College, Assistant Engineer DRDA Akshay. Chaudhary, Loniv Anand Giri Goswami, Manoj Mahtolia, Quarantine Center Divisional Health and Family Welfare Chavan Center Motinagr Haldwani sector is named magistrate.
Assistant Engineer Small Irrigation SB Yadav, Drinking Water GB Joshi, Lonivi Suresh Mertolia has been named Sector Magistrate and Assistant Engineer PWD R k Pandey, Anil Kanaujia and Drinking Water Ravindra Singh Panwar have been named Sector Magistrate of FTI Haldwani.